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immersive performance

Uncanny Valley

Uncanny valley is the name of the installation by Laura Mannelli bridging interactive media, sonic performance and live choreography. The concept of the uncanny valley effect describes the provoked feelings of revulsion and rejection of imperfect humanoid looking objects. In the installation, a dancer interacts with her imperfectly projected digital alter-ego. A musician performs at the same time, spatializing and moving sounds through space creating an impressive and disquieting atmosphere. Uncanny Valley was presented at Multiplica Festival 2019, Rotondes, Luxembourg.



Our mission:

3D soundsystem: Cédric Fischer, Oliver Lang interactive technology: Cédric Fischer, Damiano Picci


Artist: Laura Mannelli
Sound artist: Juan De Guillebon allias DyE
Dancer and choreographer: Aude Arago
Immersive and interactive design: Frederick Thompson
Production: Balthasar Truffaut SASU_ CTO (Chief Technologist Officer)
Co-Production: Rotondes
With the support of: Le Ministere de La Culture Luxembourgeois, Centre Des Arts D’Enghiens-Les-Bains, La Fondation Independance

Nominations / Awards:




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